Our academically published scientist Prof. Dr. JMD Esq, in oncology, in 2020 virology COVID , food and chemical toxicologist , state and industry licensed Electronics and Communications Engineering Technologist (RCA and Sarnoff Institute) that often at no additional fee, identifies clinically relevant indoor health risk factors routinely unrecognized by any as due to being *initially odorless – asymptomatic ” during the inspection that are present that we provide for you, your doctor or the courts in our reports. New buyers often become very ill once moving in from unknown agents of disease or disorders. Our advanced and experienced health based inspections identify disease causing presence by our medical experts in allergy, immunology, oncology, toxicology and other causes of disease as such we identify such risks. We have over 20 years of advanced pathogenic toxic mold medical research studies (published) and experience. The medical profession including clinicians, doctors; pediatricians and oncologists routinely order our tests and inspections for themselves and/or their patients.

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