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 Superior Court   (numerous of legal cases) certified expert witness, IBEW and state licensed electronics engineer, clinical industrial hygienist, toxicologist and medical exposure expert report will provide answers to any exposure concerns. 8k cases since 2000
For you the buyer, yes, a home is a major financial investment, but it is even more critically important that it be inspected for the health and safety for you and your family especially lead exposure to children. Regular licensed home inspections provide vital critical structural and home systems functional information but offer no helath risk exposure value. But when you have a health concern,any buyer contractual issues such as failure to disclose or concealed contamination for buyers, storm water damage, insurance wrongfully denies your claims or legal issues it requires a lawful expert for our investigation or inspection. This happens often when it involves electromagnetic radiation aka non-inonizing radiation, radon (ionizing radiation) mold, lead, asbestos or other carcinogenic and toxic factors or many other carcinogens only we identify that are unrecognized inspectors. ” Meet America’s First Building Biologist House Doctor” from the nationally broadcast show from the  Discovery Health Channel “Is your House Out to Get You?”.

NJ NY Requires State Licensed Court Expert For EMF EMR HY HF MW Cellular Radiation

20 years of expert service state and industry for technical, clinical & legal matters associated with EMF 4-5G and full electromagnetic spectrum exposure. Call for initial free consultation.


Our state and industry IBEW licensed experts have
investigated many schools and entire districts in NJ NY CT PA DE EMF 4-5gG even instantly reopening a school that was closed due to an unlicensed amateur meter reader terrified a school and parents closing the school

healthy inspector